Are you facing a DUI charge in Chattooga County? At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, we are 100% dedicated to helping people just like you – people who need a high quality defense lawyer fighting for their rights in court. We are experienced in every facet of DUI defense and want to help you get a favorable case outcome.
At the firm, our attorneys have completed training in DUI detection and standardized field sobriety testing under NHTSA curriculum. This instruction is the same training received by police officers to help them identify and arrested intoxicated drivers. Our attorneys understand the weaknesses of sobriety testing techniques and use this knowledge to the advantage of their clients in the courtroom .
Quality Legal Assistance: Our Practice Areas
At the firm, we have devoted ourselves to high-quality DUI defense. Unlike some law firms, our firm is solely focused on defending people accused of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In Georgia, DUI is actually an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of offenses. In fact, you don't even have to be under the influence of alcohol to be arrested and convicted for DUI.
For instance, DUI also includes drug impairment. In the United States, marijuana is the number one drug associated with drugged driving arrests. According to MADD, one eighth of weekend, nighttime drivers produce positive test results for illicit drugs. However, these statistics do not indicate the actual number of drivers who are under the influence of marijuana or other drugs.
Georgia, along with 19 other states, has enacted strict per se laws. In short, these laws disallow drivers form operating vehicles with any traceable amount of illegal drugs in their system. At first glance, this law seems to make sense – driving under the influence of illegal drugs is dangerous. In reality, blood or urine tests may indicate drug usage long after the effects of the substance have worn off.
Some drugs, such as marijuana, stay in your system for many days – even weeks. As DUI defense attorneys, we understand the implications of this fact: you can be arrested, charged and convicted of DUI when you were not actually driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you've been charged with a marijuana-related DUI allegation, talk to an attorney from our firm today.
ALS Hearing Representation
If you've been arrested for DUI, you probably have a lot of questions. Am I going to jail? What fines do I have to pay? Should I plead guilty? What about my driver's license? Your license is automatically suspended after the arrested. However, you may have a chance to get it reinstated. If you send a 10-day letter and schedule an ALS hearing, an attorney from our firm may be able to help you regain your driving privileges. Like most people, you probably use your car every day. Without it, getting to work, buying groceries, picking up your kids from school and other daily errands become difficult – if not impossible.
Administrative License Suspension hearings are designed to give drivers a chance to explain themselves, present evidence in their favor and re-obtain their driver's licenses. Depending on the circumstances of your arrested, convincing the court to reinstate your license may be difficult. At the firm, we are familiar with the ALS hearing process and are ready to help you go to your hearing prepared so that you stand a better chance of getting your license back. For more information, contact an attorney from the firm and schedule a free case evaluation.
Trial or plea bargain?
Sometimes, taking a plea bargain is your best option. If prosecution has constructed a convincing case against you, a plea bargain may be one way for you to avoid severe DUI conviction penalties. What is a plea bargain? In short, a plea bargain is an agreement between the defense and prosecution in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a less severe sentence or a charge reduction. For example, attorneys from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson have negotiated DUI charges down to allegations of reckless driving for clients in the past.
If you're going to plead guilty, why hire an attorney? This is a valid question. While a plea bargain avoids the tedious courtroom procedures of a trial, you still want an experienced lawyer to help you get a favorable plea bargain. Why? Without an attorney, prosecution will presume that you are going to plead guilty and probably won't offer you a good bargain. On the other hand, if you have an aggressive lawyer by your side, the prosecution will be less likely to catch your bluff and you stand a better chance of receiving a lighter sentence or charge reduction.
Out-Of-State Drivers
Were you arrested for DUI in Chattooga county but aren't from Georgia? If you need legal assistance but are from out-of-state, our firm is ready to help. Typically, your case will be handled in the state that you were arrested in. Dealing with legal proceedings in a state that you don't live in may be difficult, but if you aren't able to make all of your court appearances, an attorney may be present for you. If you've been arrested in Chattooga county but aren't from the state of Georgia, call our office today; the sooner we hear from you the faster we can create an aggressive and effective strategy that may be able to keep you out of jail.
Chattooga County Resources:
About Chattooga County
Official Website
Map of Chattooga
DUI Information Center