Late Saturday night, Gwinnett Police received a call about a man lying on Beaver Ruin Road in Norcross. When officers responded to the scene, they found who was later identified as 38-year-old Kevin Brown. Brown was unresponsive when the officers arrived. He was taken to a nearby hospital and ultimately passed away.
According to reports, evidence found at the scene reveals that Brown was hit by a 2013-2015 Nissan Sentra. The police are urging anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers by calling 404-577-8477.
Hit-And-Run in Georgia
Under Georgia Law, a hit-and-run refers to hitting another occupied vehicle and driving away. Similar crimes include leaving the scene of an accident, striking a fixed object, and failing to report an accident. As a Georgia DUI Attorney, I know that if you are charged with a hit-and-run, you could be facing even harsher penalties than a DUI. For example, if someone has a clean record and receives a DUI, they have a chance to get a limited permit for work and school. If you are charged with a hit-and-run, there often will not be an opportunity to obtain a limited permit, regardless of whether you have a clean record or not.
If you are convicted of a hit and run, the driver will face a minimum license suspension of four months. In a few circumstances, the driver may qualify for a restricted license. However, if you are convicted of a DUI along with the hit-and-run, have prior offenses, or are simultaneously convicted of a crime that carries its own suspension requirements, you may face a “hard suspension” of your license. A hard suspension means that you won't qualify for any kind of permit or license.
I know that a hit-and-run charge may make you feel hopeless. However, there are many offenses similar to a hit-and-run that won't lead to your license being suspended. At the Law Office of Richard S. Lawson, our attorneys have successfully reduced a hit-and-run-charge to a less serious offense. Additionally, pursuant to plea deals, our lawyers have had the state drop a hit-and-run charge entirely. Getting a charge of hit-and-run reduced or dropped is the difference in having your license and having your license suspended.
Many times, the key to successfully defending a case is for a lawyer to attempt to apply the facts of your case to a less serious version of the hit-and-run-laws.
Practice Note
A charge of hit-and-run is a serious offense – as a Georgia DUI lawyer, it isn't something I recommend anyone handle on their own. If you have been charged with hit-and-run, you are facing penalties that are more severe than a charge of DUI in Georgia. You must call an attorney now. Our office will answer your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Contact us now for immediate assistance.
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